At Dr. Dann Orthodontics, we know that you are eager to get your smile straightened out as soon as possible.
As such, we regularly research and employ the latest technology in the dental industry. Through combining Dr. Dann’s orthodontic treatment, the care of his talented staff, and these innovations, our practice is able to get you that confident, more beautiful smile faster. On example, is through the use of AcceleDent.
AcceleDent is an FDA approved, simple-to-use, hands-free device that helps speed up your orthodontic treatment. Created by OrthoAccel® Technologies, Inc., Leader in Accelerated Orthodontics™, AcceleDent is a mouthpiece-styled technology that, when placed over your braces, sends vibrations into your teeth that can make them move faster. As a result, utilization of AcceleDent can reduce your time spent in braces by up to 50%.
Things to Know:
- The small vibrations that AcceleDent sends into your teeth rely on SoftPulse Technology®, which accelerates the bone remodeling of your teeth and speeds up their movement.
- You only have to use AcceleDent for 20 minutes a day in order to get great results.
- The two main pieces of the AcceleDent system are the mouthpiece, (which fits comfortably in your mouth) and the Activator, (which generates the vibrations and has a USB interface built in to help track your progress).
Whether you come into our Winter Park or Orlando, FL office, Dr. Dann and his team proudly utilize advanced orthodontic innovations like AcceleDent to give you the smile you want in a time frame you can be happy with.
To learn more about AcceleDent, or our other orthodontic treatment options, contact us today!