Many common orthodontic issues originate from a misaligned bite.
As your trusted Orlando and Winter Park orthodontist, Dr. Dann can remedy these issues with a variety of orthodontic treatment options such as braces and Invisalign.
If you live in the Orlando or Winter Park area and you suffer from a misaligned bite, we highly recommend making an appointment with our orthodontist today. Treating a misalignment not only improves your smile aesthetically, it can greatly impact your oral and dental health as well.
Main Issues with Misalignment
A misaligned bite does not just impact the look of your smile; it affects other aspects of your health, causing problems like:
● Difficulty Speaking
A misaligned bite can cause you to develop a lisp or speech impediment, which can negatively impact self-esteem and social acceptance.
● Chewing Abnormally
Bite misalignments make it difficult to chew normally. As a result, you inflict strain on your teeth and jaw, which puts them at risk for damage.
● Pain in the Jaw
Misalignment can lead to jaw pain that is so severe it affects your entire face and body. The intensity of this pain can progress into headaches, earaches, and dizziness.
● Tooth Decay and Gum Disease
Because a misaligned bite can make it more difficult to keep your teeth clean when brushing and flossing, you are at greater risk for developing tooth decay, cavities, and gingivitis.
Dr. Dann to the Rescue
A misaligned bite can cause many problems. As such, it is important to correct the issue sooner rather than later. To schedule an appointment with your trusted local orthodontist, contact us at our Orlando or Winter Park location today. Dr. Dann and his entire team look forward to helping you improve your dental and oral health!